Establishing and following a sound fiduciary process is vital to good decision-making. Whether you are entrusted with the oversight of a trust, charity or simply your family's wealth, North Pier's extensive expertise will help you develop and administer a sound prudent process for the assets you oversee including the appropriate policy documents (Investment Policy Statements and Committee Charters).
For those individuals that do not meet our minimums for comprehensive asset management or who have differing objectives in seeking our counsel, North Pier offers impartial, professional financial advice for a simple hourly or negotiated fee. Some just need a well thought out roadmap to follow at this stage of their journey. Others are seeking detailed analysis or second opinions on more complex topics. Areas of engagement may include:
  • Simple to Highly Detailed Financial Modeling (often called a financial plan)
  • Personal or Organizational Investment Policy Creation or Review
  • Asset Allocation Analysis and Construction
  • Risk Analysis (Monetary, Economic, Event, etc.)
  • Manager or Fund Search or Analysis
  • Investment Cost Analysis and Optimization
  • Portfolio Performance Analysis
  • Key Purchase or Event Funding Strategy
  • General Advice - Our professional opinion is available in the following areas:
Estate Planning / Real Estate Investment / Business Strategy / Trusts Structure / Charitable Giving / Education Funding / Nuptial Agreements (pre & post) / Entrepreneurial Issues / Career Strategy
Clients are billed an hourly fee or negotiated flat rate for this service which is based on North Pier's expenditure of resources and time. However, fees for general advice topics may be discounted or waived at the Partner's discretion in lieu of a charitable donation to one of North Pier's supported Causes (Click here for a list).
In recent years, as a result of massive consolidation, the custodial market has become largely uniform with only slight differences of flavor between recordkeepers. The financial advice industry however, is anything but. This makes selection of an advisor a daunting task. In a sea of similar looking brochures, differences in advisor capabilities, fee structures, service models and even ethics can vary greatly.
North Pier's partners are ideally suited to serve as your trusted advocates for your advisor search (or due diligence). Both Jim Scheinberg and Brant Griffin are Accredited Investment Fiduciary Analysts, the only advanced designation that deals specifically with the analysis of advisor's practices. Further, both are some of the earliest affiliates of, and have been actively involved with, the Center for Due Diligence (CFDD) - the central and longest standing retirement plan advisor organization. In addition to regularly lecturing for advisors at CFDD conferences, Jim Scheinberg also sits on the organization's Steering Committee.
The scope of our advisor search service is highly customizable to meet our client's objectives and budget. North Pier can source potential advisors through our substantive network of industry connections or help clients navigate amongst your existing network of potential candidates (or a combination of the two).
Mr. Sheinberg and Mr. Griffin's broad experience in the industry and active participation in their peer communities, as well as ongoing academic involvement, positions them as a valued resource for litigation support. Expert witness services include but are not limited to portfolio and cost analysis, fiduciary process evaluation, standards of practice opinions, and other expertise involving fiduciary and investment matters.